5 Element Quick Tips for Happier Holidays!

The Holidays are here!

And while they are usually a wonderful time, it can sometimes be difficult to get along with everyone during the holiday season. To help with this, I’d like to offer five quick, easy, and powerful ways to help us get along better during this “festive” season.

Of course, these tips are based on the material in my book, The Five Elements of Relationships: How to Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace, but at times like these they easily stand alone to help usher in a happy holiday season. Because each of the Five Elemental Personalities will have special ways that they shine (and sink) during the holiday season, it will be important to surround family, friends, and guests with an environment that helps everyone be their best. And it isn’t as hard as it sounds. Just check out the simple 5 Quick Tips, below.

I hope these little tips help you enjoy fun, festive, and fabulous relationships during the holiday season!

Blessings to all,


5 Quick Tips to Create Happier Holidays for Everyone

Tip #1: The desire to gather with close friends and family during the holidays sits in the Earth Element of the Five Elements model. People with a primary Earth Personality will LOVE the holidays and especially want everyone to be together and happy. Special food makes Earth people happy – and also builds the Earth energy in each of us to help make connecting with others easier – so make sure there is yummy and comforting food available at your holiday gatherings. This should be especially easy for those who do the “traditional” Thanksgiving dinner. The good news is that everyone will appreciate wonderful food regardless of their elemental personality.

Tip #2: People with a primary Fire Personality love fun, laughter, dancing, games, and connecting with people, whether they know them or not. Music and any kind of game is exciting to Fire people – and also build the Fire energy in each of us which helps us have fun – so you might consider playing lively music and including some sort of game as part of the gathering. A simple game is the old “How many beans in the jar” challenge where guests are given the chance to guess the number of dried beans in a glass jar (make sure you count them when putting them in – someone must be the winner). It’s surprising how something this simple will excite the Fire energy in each of us.

Tip #3: People with a primary Wood Personality love organization and accomplishment. Success matters a lot to them, and succeeding at anything counts. Give the Wood people in your group (they are usually the over-achievers) a few easy tasks to do. They will love being helpful (especially if you later recognize them for that help) and will be proud of their accomplishments, even if it was just setting a gorgeous table. And honestly, during a holiday gathering, who doesn’t need a little extra help?

Tip #4: People with a primary Metal Personality love process, protocol, and doing things the right way. They also love being asked for their opinion. So if you know you’ve got a Metal person with you for a holiday event (they are usually the people with very specific opinions who ALWAYS follow the rules), don’t hesitate to ask their thoughts on the “right” way to do something (but ONLY if you are prepared to take their suggestions. Failing to do so could earn you a scowl and haughtiness the rest of the evening). Their pride at being asked and later acknowledged for their wisdom will be well worth the effort.

Tip #5: People with a primary Water Personality love creativity, deep philosophic discussions, and books. The easiest way to keep a Water person happy during a large gathering is to make sure you have invited a few other Water People to the event. Trust me, they will quickly find each other and sneak off to a quiet corner to discuss everything from the book they are currently reading to how many angels truly might be able to dance on the head of a pin. Include them for food and toasts, but honor their desire not to be part of a large, boisterous group.



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