The Heartache of Missing Family and Friends

Dear Readers: Welcome to a special feature of the Ask Vicki blog: Five Element Fixes. Over the years, in addition to questions regarding relationships, as a naturopathic physician I’ve been asked about a variety of other issues. Questions regarding physical concerns, certainly, but also emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues, as well. And in truth, they are all relationships questions because they address how we relate to ourselves and our environment. The answers to these questions are usually short and sweet, but also rational and logical. And of course, they are grounded in the Five Elements model! The information seems more important now than ever before, so I’d like to share some of these with you here. Question: I have a health issue that puts me at higher risk for a bad outcome if I get Covid, and now with Omicron spreading so fast, it just doesn’t feel safe for me to get together with too many people. But I miss my friends! I miss my family! We Zoom and talk on the phone, but it isn’t the same. Is there anything you can suggest? Answer: This is a question many of us face for a variety of reasons. Some of the people we love may live far away from us. Others may be at high risk for Covid and like you, have chosen to self-isolate. And others may have lost loved ones who they will never see again. Regardless of the reason, the issue of missing people we can’t be with is going to be the same. The loss of a physical connection with people we love does create an ache in our heart, and that is something we can address.When heartache has settled upon us for any number of reasons, fluorite (a beautiful multi-colored crystal) can be helpful. Try wearing a fluorite crystal around your neck on a chain or leather cord so that the stone rests near your heart. Wear it as much as possible and it can help lessen the feeling of heartache. Why: The vibration of the mineral fluorite has been known to be an excellent support for the Fire element. The heart organ and its related emotions sit in Fire, so anything that balances Fire energy will also help balance heart energy. And in general, when our Fire energy is balanced, not can heartache lessen, it’s also much easier not to panic or become scattered. An added benefit is that fluorite is a beautiful stone! Many Blessings to you,Vicki


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